Post by Zou ۞ on Nov 16, 2010 20:59:18 GMT -5
"To graduate, one had to, over a course of five years, accumulate two hundred normal credits, and one hundred "Special Credits." The core classes gave out special credits. A regular class, when passed, would yield 10 credits. Each class ended a term at the end of a season rather than a semester, and classes ran all four seasons, year long. There were little to no breaks spanning more than two days. The longest break was a two week break around the holiday season, which in the human world would be considered Christmas. The core classes gave out 5 Special Credits per year. Most people ended up taking all four core classes and five extra classes per year within the course of their time here. It was a pretty great place. Up to seven periods were allowed per day, attending each class. "
Before we get started, "SP" next to a class is similar to "CP" in high school classes. Instead of "College Prep" we've got "Shinigami Prep." There's also "AP" Advanced Placement, "SPR", Seated Pre-Requisite, "VCP", Vice-Captain Pre-Requisite, "CPR", Captain Pre-Requisite. (These are required classes if you ever plan to become a seated officer, vice captain, or captain at ANY TIME during your character's lifespan) Shino Academy is a course running for 5 years.
First Year Classes:
Core Classes:
Kendo 1-2 SP ~ This is a basic Kendo class, which begins by teaching the basics of all of Kendo. All shinigami must know how to use the blade. This can be replaced by Kendo SPR if you excel beyond all expectations during the first two seasons.
Kido 1-2 SP ~ This is a basic Kido class, which begins by teaching the basics of mastering reiatsu, and firing Kido. Kido are of course, a required skill for dispatching hollows as Shinigami. Can be replaced by Kido SPR if you excel beyond all expectations during the first two seasons.
Travel Class 1-2 SP ~ Trust me. While this may seem like a pointless class, this is the way you learn to communicate with Hell Butterflies, and travel in Senkai Gates. If you can't get from world to world, you're useless. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Spirit Communications Class 1-2 SP ~ This is where you try to communicate with your reiatsu and zanpakuto spirit. To begin with, you'll need to unlock your zanpakuto somehow, otherwise you're useless. That's what this class is for. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Casual Classes:
Wrestling ~ This is a class to learn how to wrestle. Squads 10 and 11 require you to take this class to get in. This can be taken for all five years if you want.
History 1-2 ~ This is a course that can be taken for multiple years at higher and higher levels. Squads 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13 all require this class.
Speed ~ This class helps you practice with speed movement, distance, etc. It also helps with Shunpo and other stepping abilities. Squads 2 and 7 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Boxing ~ This class teaches you how to box. Squads 1, 7, 10, and 11 require it. This can be taken all 5 years.
Kick Boxing ~ This class teaches you how to Kick Box. Squads 7, 10, and 11 all require it. This can be taken all 5 years.
Reiatsu Focus ~ This class teaches you how to better focus your reiatsu. Squads 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and 13 all require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Technology/Science Class ~ A special class that teaches about the various technologies and sciences of Soul Society. Squads 12 and 13 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Experimentation Class ~ Want to get some guinea pigs? Well, this class has you experiment with different things. Squads 12 and 13 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Second Year Classes:
Core Classes:
Kendo 3-4 SP ~ This is the followup class to Kendo 1-2. You'll be learning quite a bit more than you'd believe in this class. However, if you took Kendo SPR during your first year, you'll be eligible to take Kendo VCP if you do well during the first two seasons of this class. If you do well during the first season of this class, and you didn't take SPR in your first year, you can take it now.
Kido 3-4 SP ~ This is the followup to Kido 1-2. You'll be learning some pretty good skills in this class, and for the most part you'll be learning mid level Kido. If you took Kido SPR during your first year, then you can take Kido VCP if you do well during the first two seasons of this class. If you didn't take it first year, you can take it if you do well during one season this year.
Travel Class 3-4 SP ~ Just the followup to Travel 1-2. Nothing special about it, nothing advanced.
Spirit Communication Class 3-4 SP ~ You know the deal. Followup to the previous class. No advanced placements.
Casual Classes:
CQB Class - Close Quarters Battle class. Teaches a good deal about instant, around the corner battles. Requirement for Sqauds 7, 11, and 10. Requires Wrestling and Kick Boxing.
Martial Arts Class - Teaches martial arts. Starts with Jiujitsu and Muay Thai. Can be taken all 5 years. Requirement for Squads 7 and 10. Requires Boxing and Kick Boxing.
History 3-4 ~ The followup to History 1-2. Squads 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13 all require this class.
Fencing Level 1 ~ A fencing class. Squad 1 requires this class.
Third Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 5-6 SP ~ The followup to Kendo 3-4. Regardless of previous placement, this class cannot be passed up. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Kido 5-6 SP ~ The followup to Kido 3-4. Like Kendo 5-6, there's no advanced placement this time.
Hollow Knowledge 1-2 SP ~ Teaches all about Hollows. There's nothing else to it than that. There's no advanced placement for this class.
History 1-2 SP ~ If you didn't take it as a casual class earlier, you'll be forced to take it now. If you already took 1-2, you'll be in 3-4. If you took that too, welcome to 5-6. There's no advanced placement to this class.
Casual Classes:
Advanced Combat ~ Requires Boxing, Kick Boxing, Martial Arts, Wrestling, and CQB. This is a prerequisite for Squads 10 and 11.
Power Class ~ A great class that teaches you how to increase your reiatsu's destructive ability, and therefore lets you power through things. No squads require this, it's just a cool class.
Duel Class 1-2 ~ A class that will have you duel against others to test out your strength. Just how good are you? Everyone will be in your year, or one year up.
Music Class ~ Just teaches about music. Squads 1 and 12 require this one.
Healing 1-2 ~ Squad 4 requires this. It's the beginning of a healing education.
Fourth Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 7-8 SP ~ The followup to Kendo 5-6. Again, no advanced placement for this class.
Kido 7-8 SP ~ The followup to Kido 5-6. Again, no advanced placement for this class.
Hollow Knowledge 3-4 ~ This is the followup to Hollow Knowledge 1-2. No advanced placement.
History 3-4 ~ Of course, if you took 1-2 in the previous year, you'll be taking this now. If you took 3-4 in the previous year, you're in 5-6. If you took 5-6 in the previous year, you're now in 7-8.
Casual Classes:
Duel Class 3-4 ~ If you're in here, it means you took 1-2 as a third year. Get ready for some tougher enemies!
Healing 3-4 ~ Squad 4 requires this. It's a followup in your education for healing.
Fifth Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 9-10 SP ~ The final year in Kendo. If, a few years back, you took the advanced placement (VCP) for Kendo, then if you do well in the first season of this, you'll be allowed to take Kendo CPR.
Kido 9-10 SP ~ The final year in Kido. If, a few years back, you took the advanced placement (VCP) for Kido, then if you do well in the first season of this, you'll be allowed to take Kido CPR.
Zanpakuto Shaping ~ This class is what will allow you to mold your reiatsu and zanpakuto spirit within your own self and personality, which is what will lead to what kind of ability you will turn out to have once you finally discover Shikai. This will even have an effect on your Bankai in later years. Beware the results of failure!
Hollow Slaying ~ In this class, you will go about killing various types of hollows. This is a very dangerous class, and 15% of students in this class die, while another 15% are rendered useless in battle, and are thus given an extra 3 year education so that they can become healers instead. A final 10% are devoured and become hollows, or parts of hollows. Only 60% of students pass this class.
Casual Classes:
History 5-6 ~ Just a followup to 3-4. This is required for Squads 1, 6, 7, 12, 13.
History 7-8 ~ A followup to 5-6. Hopefully you took 5-6 earlier, because 7-8 is required for squads 1, 6, 7, 12, and 13.
History 9-10 ~ The final level of history. This class is required for squads 1, 6, 7, 12, and 13.
Beyond the Five Required Years, there are two more years that one can take. These two years are requirements if one wishes to one day become a member of the Central 46. There are also "other" positions, higher than Captain, and some even higher than Captain Commander, that would demand and require these classes. Of course, the Captain Commander himself is required to take some of these classes. You don't get credits for these, or even need credits out of them. You technically already graduate after the 5 years if you got your credits. Put simply, you need to pass these ALL to have a chance at higher positions. There's only one casual class for each extra year of the two, and there are five core classes. Also note, you need to have a STRAIGHT A grading in ALL FIVE YEARS to get into the Year Six and Year Seven classes. Beware, these classes are the hardest of the hard. You've been warned.
Year Six:
Core Classes:
Dimensions (Basic) ~ This class is about the basics of other worlds that exist, and other possibilities.
Beyond Strength (Basic) ~ This class teaches about powers and abilities some have only ever dreamed of seeing or doing, and others that are beyond all imagination.
King's Knowledge (Basic) ~ This class will be teaching you all about the Spirit King, and the secrets that he wields.
Royal Combat (Basic) ~ This teaches all about various styles of fighting that will make one so effective, that Captains will become those that can be fought on par.
Royal Magic (Basic) ~ If you're taking this class, don't expect to survive, much less pass. This class is the most difficult in all of Year Six, and teaches powers that make Kin and Ban-Kin look like a joke.
Casual Class:
Expedition ~ This class will go along with Dimensions, and will teach. However, the end of the year comes with a startling surprise.
Year Seven:
Core Classes:
Dimensions (Advanced) ~ Don't expect to survive this class, period. This is a followup to last year's Dimensions (Basic).
Beyond Strength (Advanced) ~ The followup to Beyond Strength (Basic), don't expect to survive this either.
King's Knowledge (Advanced) ~ Don't expect to survive or pass this. Followup to King's knowledge (Basic.)
Royal Combat (Advanced) ~ If you manage to pass this class, you'll be on a combat level equal to the Captain Commander. What more do you need?
Royal Magic (Advanced) ~ Taking this class, eh? You're going to either die, die, or die. 10% of those that take this class pass it. Oh, a 1/10 chance? That may seem great, but only around ten students take this class per year, out of thousands of students. And 9 of those 10 fail. The one that passes usually dies from some other class on the Year Seven schedule, or passes but dies in this class.
Casual Class:
Keeping ~ Nothing is known of this class. Information isn't disclosed on it. It's said to be the most difficult class ever made.
Before we get started, "SP" next to a class is similar to "CP" in high school classes. Instead of "College Prep" we've got "Shinigami Prep." There's also "AP" Advanced Placement, "SPR", Seated Pre-Requisite, "VCP", Vice-Captain Pre-Requisite, "CPR", Captain Pre-Requisite. (These are required classes if you ever plan to become a seated officer, vice captain, or captain at ANY TIME during your character's lifespan) Shino Academy is a course running for 5 years.
First Year Classes:
Core Classes:
Kendo 1-2 SP ~ This is a basic Kendo class, which begins by teaching the basics of all of Kendo. All shinigami must know how to use the blade. This can be replaced by Kendo SPR if you excel beyond all expectations during the first two seasons.
Kido 1-2 SP ~ This is a basic Kido class, which begins by teaching the basics of mastering reiatsu, and firing Kido. Kido are of course, a required skill for dispatching hollows as Shinigami. Can be replaced by Kido SPR if you excel beyond all expectations during the first two seasons.
Travel Class 1-2 SP ~ Trust me. While this may seem like a pointless class, this is the way you learn to communicate with Hell Butterflies, and travel in Senkai Gates. If you can't get from world to world, you're useless. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Spirit Communications Class 1-2 SP ~ This is where you try to communicate with your reiatsu and zanpakuto spirit. To begin with, you'll need to unlock your zanpakuto somehow, otherwise you're useless. That's what this class is for. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Casual Classes:
Wrestling ~ This is a class to learn how to wrestle. Squads 10 and 11 require you to take this class to get in. This can be taken for all five years if you want.
History 1-2 ~ This is a course that can be taken for multiple years at higher and higher levels. Squads 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13 all require this class.
Speed ~ This class helps you practice with speed movement, distance, etc. It also helps with Shunpo and other stepping abilities. Squads 2 and 7 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Boxing ~ This class teaches you how to box. Squads 1, 7, 10, and 11 require it. This can be taken all 5 years.
Kick Boxing ~ This class teaches you how to Kick Box. Squads 7, 10, and 11 all require it. This can be taken all 5 years.
Reiatsu Focus ~ This class teaches you how to better focus your reiatsu. Squads 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and 13 all require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Technology/Science Class ~ A special class that teaches about the various technologies and sciences of Soul Society. Squads 12 and 13 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Experimentation Class ~ Want to get some guinea pigs? Well, this class has you experiment with different things. Squads 12 and 13 require this class. This can be taken all 5 years.
Second Year Classes:
Core Classes:
Kendo 3-4 SP ~ This is the followup class to Kendo 1-2. You'll be learning quite a bit more than you'd believe in this class. However, if you took Kendo SPR during your first year, you'll be eligible to take Kendo VCP if you do well during the first two seasons of this class. If you do well during the first season of this class, and you didn't take SPR in your first year, you can take it now.
Kido 3-4 SP ~ This is the followup to Kido 1-2. You'll be learning some pretty good skills in this class, and for the most part you'll be learning mid level Kido. If you took Kido SPR during your first year, then you can take Kido VCP if you do well during the first two seasons of this class. If you didn't take it first year, you can take it if you do well during one season this year.
Travel Class 3-4 SP ~ Just the followup to Travel 1-2. Nothing special about it, nothing advanced.
Spirit Communication Class 3-4 SP ~ You know the deal. Followup to the previous class. No advanced placements.
Casual Classes:
CQB Class - Close Quarters Battle class. Teaches a good deal about instant, around the corner battles. Requirement for Sqauds 7, 11, and 10. Requires Wrestling and Kick Boxing.
Martial Arts Class - Teaches martial arts. Starts with Jiujitsu and Muay Thai. Can be taken all 5 years. Requirement for Squads 7 and 10. Requires Boxing and Kick Boxing.
History 3-4 ~ The followup to History 1-2. Squads 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 13 all require this class.
Fencing Level 1 ~ A fencing class. Squad 1 requires this class.
Third Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 5-6 SP ~ The followup to Kendo 3-4. Regardless of previous placement, this class cannot be passed up. There's no advanced placement for this class.
Kido 5-6 SP ~ The followup to Kido 3-4. Like Kendo 5-6, there's no advanced placement this time.
Hollow Knowledge 1-2 SP ~ Teaches all about Hollows. There's nothing else to it than that. There's no advanced placement for this class.
History 1-2 SP ~ If you didn't take it as a casual class earlier, you'll be forced to take it now. If you already took 1-2, you'll be in 3-4. If you took that too, welcome to 5-6. There's no advanced placement to this class.
Casual Classes:
Advanced Combat ~ Requires Boxing, Kick Boxing, Martial Arts, Wrestling, and CQB. This is a prerequisite for Squads 10 and 11.
Power Class ~ A great class that teaches you how to increase your reiatsu's destructive ability, and therefore lets you power through things. No squads require this, it's just a cool class.
Duel Class 1-2 ~ A class that will have you duel against others to test out your strength. Just how good are you? Everyone will be in your year, or one year up.
Music Class ~ Just teaches about music. Squads 1 and 12 require this one.
Healing 1-2 ~ Squad 4 requires this. It's the beginning of a healing education.
Fourth Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 7-8 SP ~ The followup to Kendo 5-6. Again, no advanced placement for this class.
Kido 7-8 SP ~ The followup to Kido 5-6. Again, no advanced placement for this class.
Hollow Knowledge 3-4 ~ This is the followup to Hollow Knowledge 1-2. No advanced placement.
History 3-4 ~ Of course, if you took 1-2 in the previous year, you'll be taking this now. If you took 3-4 in the previous year, you're in 5-6. If you took 5-6 in the previous year, you're now in 7-8.
Casual Classes:
Duel Class 3-4 ~ If you're in here, it means you took 1-2 as a third year. Get ready for some tougher enemies!
Healing 3-4 ~ Squad 4 requires this. It's a followup in your education for healing.
Fifth Year:
Core Classes:
Kendo 9-10 SP ~ The final year in Kendo. If, a few years back, you took the advanced placement (VCP) for Kendo, then if you do well in the first season of this, you'll be allowed to take Kendo CPR.
Kido 9-10 SP ~ The final year in Kido. If, a few years back, you took the advanced placement (VCP) for Kido, then if you do well in the first season of this, you'll be allowed to take Kido CPR.
Zanpakuto Shaping ~ This class is what will allow you to mold your reiatsu and zanpakuto spirit within your own self and personality, which is what will lead to what kind of ability you will turn out to have once you finally discover Shikai. This will even have an effect on your Bankai in later years. Beware the results of failure!
Hollow Slaying ~ In this class, you will go about killing various types of hollows. This is a very dangerous class, and 15% of students in this class die, while another 15% are rendered useless in battle, and are thus given an extra 3 year education so that they can become healers instead. A final 10% are devoured and become hollows, or parts of hollows. Only 60% of students pass this class.
Casual Classes:
History 5-6 ~ Just a followup to 3-4. This is required for Squads 1, 6, 7, 12, 13.
History 7-8 ~ A followup to 5-6. Hopefully you took 5-6 earlier, because 7-8 is required for squads 1, 6, 7, 12, and 13.
History 9-10 ~ The final level of history. This class is required for squads 1, 6, 7, 12, and 13.
Beyond the Five Required Years, there are two more years that one can take. These two years are requirements if one wishes to one day become a member of the Central 46. There are also "other" positions, higher than Captain, and some even higher than Captain Commander, that would demand and require these classes. Of course, the Captain Commander himself is required to take some of these classes. You don't get credits for these, or even need credits out of them. You technically already graduate after the 5 years if you got your credits. Put simply, you need to pass these ALL to have a chance at higher positions. There's only one casual class for each extra year of the two, and there are five core classes. Also note, you need to have a STRAIGHT A grading in ALL FIVE YEARS to get into the Year Six and Year Seven classes. Beware, these classes are the hardest of the hard. You've been warned.
Year Six:
Core Classes:
Dimensions (Basic) ~ This class is about the basics of other worlds that exist, and other possibilities.
Beyond Strength (Basic) ~ This class teaches about powers and abilities some have only ever dreamed of seeing or doing, and others that are beyond all imagination.
King's Knowledge (Basic) ~ This class will be teaching you all about the Spirit King, and the secrets that he wields.
Royal Combat (Basic) ~ This teaches all about various styles of fighting that will make one so effective, that Captains will become those that can be fought on par.
Royal Magic (Basic) ~ If you're taking this class, don't expect to survive, much less pass. This class is the most difficult in all of Year Six, and teaches powers that make Kin and Ban-Kin look like a joke.
Casual Class:
Expedition ~ This class will go along with Dimensions, and will teach. However, the end of the year comes with a startling surprise.
Year Seven:
Core Classes:
Dimensions (Advanced) ~ Don't expect to survive this class, period. This is a followup to last year's Dimensions (Basic).
Beyond Strength (Advanced) ~ The followup to Beyond Strength (Basic), don't expect to survive this either.
King's Knowledge (Advanced) ~ Don't expect to survive or pass this. Followup to King's knowledge (Basic.)
Royal Combat (Advanced) ~ If you manage to pass this class, you'll be on a combat level equal to the Captain Commander. What more do you need?
Royal Magic (Advanced) ~ Taking this class, eh? You're going to either die, die, or die. 10% of those that take this class pass it. Oh, a 1/10 chance? That may seem great, but only around ten students take this class per year, out of thousands of students. And 9 of those 10 fail. The one that passes usually dies from some other class on the Year Seven schedule, or passes but dies in this class.
Casual Class:
Keeping ~ Nothing is known of this class. Information isn't disclosed on it. It's said to be the most difficult class ever made.